The right amount of bandwidth for your business depends on what you are planning to do with it, because ultimately speed requirements are different for every business. Determining how much internet bandwidth you need ...
What Is Dedicated Internet Access And Do I Need It?
Dedicated Internet Access means that the specified amount of bandwidth sold has been carved out and dedicated for your use. The type of DIA circuit your company needs depends on the circuit types available ...
A Few Ways A Business Can Burn Through Bandwidth
Today more than ever everything is high-definition, 4K TVs, Netflix just to mention a few; and it’s easy to forget about the amount of bandwidth that all of this burns. Gamers, movie fans can ...
Colocation Cabinet Overview
WhitelabelITSolutions provides you secure cabinets that can be tailored to meet your specific needs, while providing access to multiple network and service providers from within our data center ecosystem. WhitelabelITSolutions offer cabinets with a ...
The Business Benefits of Colocation
A business has more options than ever when it comes to taking care of their IT needs. Colocation provides the infrastructure and security of a dedicated data center without the costs of maintaining such ...
”The Cloud”
What is The Cloud? Basically, it is the process of sharing resources to optimize performance. The use of a network of computers to store and process information, rather than a single machine. Storing and ...
Digital Transformation
What is Digital Transformation? Digital transformation is the process of using technology for a complete change in your business. These changes include, changing the way a person works, challenging their thoughts and the strategies ...
Accept Bitcoin Payments
Bit Pay BitPay is the future of payment to the world by letting you own your money and be in control. They’re the largest and most well-known digital currency platform available. Bitpay is changing ...
Preventing Mobile Malware
Preventing Mobile Malware When it comes to mobile phones, everyone underestimated the importance they would assume for communications. They are not just a communication tool as they are also used for accessing the Internet, ...
Benefits of Colocation: Carrier-Neutrality
Carrier-neutrality has become the best option for businesses outsourcing their data centers. Depending on your business needs, for an in-house solution, you can either use multiple providers to build redundancy or select a specific ...